Who are we and what do we believe?
Our Mission:
Is to love God and to love our neighbour
Our Vision:
To be a church of believers grounded in God's Word and grow:
1) Numerically through evangelism
2) In Relation to God through Discipleship
3) As the Body of Christ through Koinonia and the Holy Spirit
1) Numerically through evangelism
2) In Relation to God through Discipleship
3) As the Body of Christ through Koinonia and the Holy Spirit
Who are we?
We are a congregation of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and belong to Elim Christian Mission, whose headquarters are in Guatemala City. Elim Ministries, aims to see formed the image of our Lord Jesus Christ in the believer through the Spirit of God and the preaching of the Word.
Elim Ministries maintains:
1. That there is only one God and that in his mercy and love he sent His Son Jesus Christ for sacrifice and substitute on behalf of those who believe. This sacrifice brings as a fruit... salvation, which is obtained by by faith, without any intervention of human works. As part of the redemptive plan, the person of the Holy Spirit has come to help us and form in us the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. That the Church is the mystical body of Christ and that He, the Lord, is the head and only mediator between God and men. For the development of this body (the Church), the Lord has deposited within the Body of Christ, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to bring it to maturity; It has also allowed the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit. The Church taught and guided by ministries and especially by the Holy Spirit, will cultivate the desire to be with the Lord.
We are a congregation of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and belong to Elim Christian Mission, whose headquarters are in Guatemala City. Elim Ministries, aims to see formed the image of our Lord Jesus Christ in the believer through the Spirit of God and the preaching of the Word.
Elim Ministries maintains:
1. That there is only one God and that in his mercy and love he sent His Son Jesus Christ for sacrifice and substitute on behalf of those who believe. This sacrifice brings as a fruit... salvation, which is obtained by by faith, without any intervention of human works. As part of the redemptive plan, the person of the Holy Spirit has come to help us and form in us the image of the Lord Jesus Christ.
2. That the Church is the mystical body of Christ and that He, the Lord, is the head and only mediator between God and men. For the development of this body (the Church), the Lord has deposited within the Body of Christ, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers to bring it to maturity; It has also allowed the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirit. The Church taught and guided by ministries and especially by the Holy Spirit, will cultivate the desire to be with the Lord.
About God
There is only one God who is the Creator of all that exists. God, being one is in three persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is not three gods, nor is it one person, it is one God in three persons. It is Spirit and it is unique. He is infinite, for he has no limits, nor is he subject to space. It is immutable because it never changes; He is Eternal because he had no beginning, nor will he have an end, he is not subject to time. With regard to His creation He is Almighty. Omniscient, Omnipresent and with respect to His character is love, is holy, just and merciful.
About Jesus
The Son of God became flesh to save man. In Him there are two natures, the divine and the human; It is true and perfect. True God and perfect man; Its two natures are unmistakable, inseparable and indivisible. Jesus Christ humbled Himself by becoming a virgin man, but He lived without sin, nothing was done by going to the cross where He suffered and died for our sins, He was in Hades and rose again after three days.
He appeared to His disciples for forty days and then ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father and intercedes for us. See Philippians 2:5-11.
He appeared to His disciples for forty days and then ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father and intercedes for us. See Philippians 2:5-11.
About the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is God, sent by the Father to beget believers and reside in them. The Spirit fills or controls the believer who allows it and this is the only way to live in holiness and for the life of Christ to flow in the disciples. Romans 8:14
Only the Holy Spirit can produce the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance; He guides the believer in obedience to God's will and teaches him all things. The Spirit imparts to the disciples His supernatural gifts.
Galatians 5:22-23
Only the Holy Spirit can produce the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance; He guides the believer in obedience to God's will and teaches him all things. The Spirit imparts to the disciples His supernatural gifts.
Galatians 5:22-23